order non hybrid seeds LandRightsNFarming: Fwd: Administration's War on Women/War on Alicia Dabney

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Fwd: Administration's War on Women/War on Alicia Dabney

Date: Thu, May 31, 2012 at 9:20 PM
Subject: Administration's War on Women/War on Alicia Dabney

Alicia Dabney, GS-462-4 Apprentice Firefighter was fired from the Forest Service today. This occurred less than one week after she participated in the Whistle Blower/Human Rights & Civil Rights Summit in Washington. The California/Oregon women who traveled to Washington were accused by the Administration of practicing partisan politics. Pressure was levied. Threats were made from home. The women remained strong. Concerned, The Coalition and women went to several Senate offices to discuss the allegations and threats. They were told it would be taken care of with calls to the Secretary's Office. Seems it didn't work. The Agency has admitted they knew of these alleged charges against Alicia since July 2011, but coincidentally decided to fire her right after her trip to D.C. I was aware months ago that the Agency did an illegal background check on Alicia. It has been clear to me for quite some time that they would find any way possible to fire Alicia. If they didn't discredit her and fire her, they would have to fire the good old boy firefighters she made charges against. The managers who have allowed the harassment and assaults to happen repeatedly (including the Secretary and his staff) to Alicia would have to be held accountable. Realize, the male supervisor who sexually assaulted Alicia has had no action taken against him. He is currently still working on the crew that Alicia was fired from. I wonder which woman he'll assault on the next fire? Will she be afraid to come forward? Does this Administration care? No. The seasonal male firefighter who tried to break into her room last year was rehired this season on the crew. Clearly, they had no intention of dealing with the misconduct and criminal activity other than firing Alicia. The charges against her are ridiculous, of course. Months ago I knew they were going after her for alleged falsification of her application (they couldn't find anything real to get her on) and had her gather her documentation to disprove it. Alicia is a Native American woman. And, if anything proves that this Administration has a War on Women it is the treatment of Alicia - and the other Indigenous women (like the Wintu) who, among others we are getting ready to unite with, i.e. Walk in My Shoes across the Mare Island Bridge. Alicia has become the new Shirley Sherrod, but soooo much more typical of the Administration's War on Women.

Lesa L. Donnelly

We have lost our sense of shame. Colin Powell