What are you waiting for? Do you want to be in concentration camps, turn it around and take back what is yours! Protect what is yours. This is wrong to let a corporation, have control over you, to the point that they are allowed to take innocent babies from their parents right from the hospital, because of political views!!
Wake up and smell the coffee, it, happened to the " Indians, and the farmers, an article posted by a smart cookie, reporter, M.Davis after interviewing a farmer, who noticed the trend in the housing was following suite,
to the Farm Crisis.
This country has become so complacent, that we should if anything, make new rules on the fact that no rules or laws passed without ratification by the people, are not viable, don't let them finish what they have started, become educated in what "you an do " Do you want to be a slave, a prisoner, a corporate security, they wrote their plans for this situation and instead of taking it seriously, just like cattle, or sheep, we let ourselves be herded into a spiral, of downward proportions.
Don't let them keep the ability to hire goons to control us. For decades now, while smiling in your faces, the insiders, or powers that be, if you will, have under guise of learning how one does something on a grand scale such as the bank fraud that started in Iowa and now the culprit is in an office in the USDA, being paid the big bucks.
Guaranteed loans, Supervised Bank Accounts,Securitization, Mortgages, under our true laws on the books, these are capital "F" Fraud!
So, now you know something is not right, how do you do something to change it? All I can say is Look around you, be more perceptive, look on the net, web, radio broadcasts. You'll find the place that needs you
or that you need, to be. Don't be afraid, to be vocal.
Don't be bullied by the STATE CORPORATE FICTION! You are not the fiction, you are real, you are living breathing, creation, made by The Creator of all.
by: Melissa Seaver, Scottsburg, Indiana (812)752-6611