How far back are they willing to go to straighten out this mess? Give Back the Farms. The Land. The Homes!
We the people, Farmers, have been putting in the complaints, and filing with the presidents, VP's, Secretary's of Agriculture, the Attorney General's, The office of Civil rights, the Congress, the Senate, the Court(s). and many others.
Standing to bring suites against the Government/USDA and it's subordinates, is ours because they have been fraudulent, in the way they have done business. There are still a few fighting the good fight and have not given up their rights to properties some may think is long since gone.
Statutes of Limitations: Fraud has no such limitations, so if you have been defrauded by these people, act quickly, and get your rights and standing. The squeaky wheel, is the one that gets greased first!
Be belligerent, in all things, that are wrong that comes against, the unsuspecting, the unjust, and unlawful.
When the farmer's first filed Civil Rights filings against the USDA components, instead of doing the job they were paid for(or what the job requirements listed as), they were leaving the files so that the imagined time limits had ran out, and using color of law to protect themselves, and by allowing them these discretion's, the government set itself against all American farmers, to no less than steal their lands, livestock, equipment, and food and in some instances their lives, because it is ingrained into the farmers, to be self sufficient, and even if they were sufficient the subordinate USDA, stole the payments, lands, and documents, refused to follow, their own guidelines, because they were being trained to foreclose for bonuses.
When ordered to this, makes you wonder, why they did it, but many have talked about it, have admitted to it and nothing has happened to them. Why do you think that is? Because instead of the legal thing to do, would have been to tell the farmers that eminent domain was being used and at least offer them a fair price for their land, a chance to move their families,and livestock. They chose to steal,harm,defraud,lie,harass,beat, starve,
whole farm families.
But wait notwithstanding the amount of money they cost these families,look at the amount of money they spent(tax payer money) to defraud, instead of buying them out in the first place. They didn't give them a
chance to make up their minds. Though none of us would want to leave lands, that have been in the family for
generations, none of us wanted a children harmed.And yes, there have been children harmed, with what has happened here..
Who is the most to be blamed by this, the fancy esquires of the Office of General Counsel, read back over past news pieces or talk to the farmers, there is a lawyer, of the Office of General Counsel, interpreting law
to bring in the win, instead of doing what justice demands.
The BIBLE says,"Woe, unto you, lawyers! For ye have taken away knowledge : ye entered not in yourselves,
and them that were entering in ye hindered"- Luke 11 vs. 52
by: Melissa Seaver, Scottsburg, Indiana (812)752-6611