The system uses Divide and Conquer against the American Farmer, it's a fact, read into the
Congressional Record 1972, The Young Executive Plan, (known as "Plan To Liquidate The American Farmer") proves the fight of the American Farmer is not black, white, red, wheel
chair bound, vision impaired, old age, these are the tools used by the USDA's minions,known as Gov. Agencies,Administrations,and Services these and other Government entities, use many types of Tort's, Title 18 and 42 Violations, Collusion, Fraud, Mail Fraud, Honest Service Fraud, and this
just scratches the surface of these violations, that the farmers have been calling foul on for decades.
When one falls, so does everyone else..."No Farmer No Food" it effects everyone.
Unalienable Rights a gift from the Creator who predates All Governments.
by: Melissa Seaver , Scottsburg, Indiana (812)752-6611