order non hybrid seeds LandRightsNFarming: Chili Most Fight for Your Rights - YouTube

Monday, November 30, 2015

Chili Most Fight for Your Rights - YouTube

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Check out Chili Most Fight for Your Rights - YouTube
From: LawrLCL@aol.com
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2015, 11:30 AM
To: rncott1@aol.com,lesa@snowcrest.net,prayap@aol.com,marcelvreid@yahoo.com,mccray.michael@gmail.com,ward.tj7@gmail.com,batiste.f@bteks.com,bole45@aol.com,thebevsmithshow@gmail.com,nofearcoalition@gmail.com,leslift@aol.com,angusfarms@hotmail.com,featherhvn@yahoo.com,yoflawfirm@gmail.com,earlwford@aol.com,maloneyclark@comcast.net

i will be on his show in the am tomorrow (show airs in southern region in alabama), talking about discrimination at usda and solutions to fix it.
he is sending out a flyer in this regard and a tape of the show later. we will be posting it on our web sites.