order non hybrid seeds LandRightsNFarming: FW: Memo from Under Secretary Harris Sherman

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

FW: Memo from Under Secretary Harris Sherman

There is nothing about how he or this administration addressed the workplace issues.  It would seem that trees, roads, and other things matter more than people.  Just my observation.

From: Under Secretary Harris Sherman [mailto:Under_Secretary_Harris_Sherman.FSNOTES@mci.fs.fed.us]
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2013 1:06 PM
Subject: Memo from Under Secretary Harris Sherman
April 8, 2013
Dear Forest Service Family:
I want you to know that today I have tendered to the President my resignation as Under Secretary for Natural Resources & the Environment at USDA. As you know, I am a Westerner at heart and, after four years, I am feeling a strong "tug" from that direction, particularly from my family in Colorado and California. Although this has been a difficult decision for me, I think it is a good time to make a transition. My plan is to remain at USDA until May 8, 2013 to assist in the transition.
I cannot tell you what a rare privilege and honor it has been working with you on so many critical fronts and knowing how much we have accomplished. I marvel that in the face of declining budgets, record fires and temperatures, and challenging forest health conditions, we have achieved so much.
Think about the following successes during the past four years:
--A new National Planning Rule that sets the framework for all future on-the-ground decisions.
--Conservation of vast landscapes and watersheds across our national forests as part of the President's America's Great Outdoors initiative.
--Accelerated restoration of millions of acres within national forests to combat bark beetles, invasive species, and address climate variations which in turn will reduce the threat of wildfire.
--New public/private partnerships with water utilities, electric utilities, recreation interests, ski resorts, major corporations, and NGOs to assist in forest and watershed restoration.
--Expanded recreation opportunities across national forests and ski areas.
--Protection of Native American sacred sites and comprehensive consultation with Tribes.
--Creation of the 21st Century Conservation Service Corps to work with partners to connect thousands of young people to the outdoors through targeted internships and career opportunities.
--Collaborative efforts with diverse stakeholders reaching consensus on forest restoration, resulting in fewer appeals and less litigation.
--Streamlining the Forest Service permitting and environmental review systems, thereby reducing costs, eliminating inefficiencies, and improving environmental outcomes.
This is in addition to the great work we do every day to protect communities from catastrophic wildfires, support state and private forest landowners, conduct critical forest research, manage and conserve our natural resources, and connect millions of people to our public lands.
These are only a few of the many milestones reached by the Forest Service—all of which are a testament to why the Forest Service has continued to be critical to the Nation's future.
While these jobs are about policies, programs, and the good work we are doing in communities, they are also about our relationship to each other within the agency. The Forest Service is a special place: rarely will you see more talented, hardworking people at every level. The Forest Service has a well-deserved, proud reputation. Wherever I have traveled these past four years, I have heard of our good deeds, extra effort, and exceptional results. You have every reason to take pride in your role and contribution to caring for the land and serving people.
While I will miss all of you, I know our public and private forests are in good hands and that you will devote your talents and energies to the work ahead. I wish all of you good fortune, health, and success in the years ahead.
Harris Sherman

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