On 7/8/11, LawrLCL@aol.com <LawrLCL@aol.com> wrote:
> another reason for "the alliance" to begin speaking up/out.
> lawrence
> ____________________________________
> From: MCastelles@aol.com
> To: leroywarren@att.net, DAMERICA@aol.com, jjohnson@afge.org,
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> Sent: 7/8/2011 8:06:40 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
> Subj: Discrimination allegations on the rise, report shows
> (http://www.govexec.com/)
> Discrimination allegations on the rise, report shows
> By Emily Long _elong@govexec.com_ (mailto:elong@govexec.com) July 7, 2011
> Federal job discrimination complaints increased nearly 4 percent in fiscal
> 2010 over the previous year, and payments to employees found to have
> experienced discrimination grew as well, according to a new report.
> In its _annual report_
> (http://www.eeoc.gov/federal/reports/fsp2010/index.cfm) on the federal
> workforce, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
> found that 16,480 government employees filed 17,583 discrimination
> complaints in fiscal 2010, up 3.8 percent from fiscal 2009. Retaliation was
> the
> most common allegation, up 2.7 percent over the previous year, followed by
> age
> and race discrimination, both up 5.1 percent, according to the report.
> "The federal government should be a model workplace," said Dexter Brooks,
> director of EEOC's federal sector programs. "We are concerned that
> retaliation is the most common basis of discrimination alleged and we
> caution all
> federal agencies to make sure that reprisals do not become the usual
> response to complaints of discrimination."
> Federal agencies, not EEOC, are responsible for addressing discrimination
> complaints filed against them. Employees can opt to participate in
> pre-complaint counseling or alternative dispute resolution programs before
> registering a formal complaint. According to the report, 56.6 percent of
> such
> counseling incidents led to a settlement or withdrawal from the complaint
> process. Findings of discrimination increased from 2.98 percent to 3.3
> percent,
> and agencies paid out $46.9 million to complainants in fiscal 2010, up 12
> percent from $41.7 million in the previous year.
> The average processing time for conducting investigations dropped from 185
> days in fiscal to 181 days in fiscal 2010. The average time for closing
> complaints, however, increased from 344 days to 360 days, while the average
> processing time for a hearing jumped from 294 days to 332 days.
> Of the Cabinet-level and large federal agencies, the U.S. Postal Service
> was a significant contributor to the total number of discrimination
> complaints and investigations in fiscal 2010, the report found. Postal
> employees
> make up 18.6 percent of the federal workforce, but the agency accounted for
> 40.2 percent of counseling incidents, 31.2 percent of all complaints filed
> and 28.9 percent of completed investigations. USPS had the highest
> counseling and alternative dispute resolution participation rates among
> large
> agencies. The Postal Service completed 99 percent of investigations in a
> timely
> manner, however.
> The Government Printing Office had the highest counseling and complainant
> rates of all medium-size agencies, at 7.7 percent and 1.74 percent,
> respectively. According to GPO spokesman Gary Somerset, four complaints
> were filed
> in the second quarter of fiscal 2011, compared to 14 during the same
> period last year.
> "GPO has an ongoing effort to ensure that employment discrimination does
> not take place within the agency, and that all employees are aware of their
> right to work in a discriminatory and harassment-free work environment,"
> Somerset said. "[Public Printer Bill Boarman] has instructed GPO's [Equal
> Employment Opportunity] Office to develop programs, committees, focus
> groups
> and counseling services to train managers and address EEO issues."
> Colleen Kelley, president of the National Treasury Employees Union, said
> agencies still have some work to do to address discrimination complaints.
> "Generally, EEO complaints are filed when employees believe the merit
> system has let them down or when they feel they are being unfairly targeted
> by
> managers," Kelley said. "NTEU believes there is significant room for
> improvement in how such systems are implemented by managers."
> Michael A. Castelle, Sr.
> National Fair Practices Coordinator
> AFGE Council of Prison Locals
> Cell: 804-943-1633
> Fax: 804-732-2360
> "He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps
> to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is
> really cooperating with it". __Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
> "In the end, we will not remember the words of our enemies, but the
> silence of our friends" _Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
> The information in this email may be confidential. This email is intended
> to be reviewed by only the individual(s) named above. If you are not the
> intended recipient or an authorized representative of the intended
> recipient,
> you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination or copying of this
> email and its attachments, if any, or the information contained herein is
> prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please immediately
> notify the sender by return email and delete this email from your system.
> Thank You.