It seems the colorable name game, identity theft, has been going on much further than most of us have accounted for. The following is from Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Edition, 1910 [here’s a link to the 1st Edition, 1888. …this silent historical coup accounts for the historical inconsistencies of the original Abyssinians to the human family at large]:
From: Huda
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2011 4:05 PM
Subject: RE: ReClaiming the Source of Life Energy: love, sun, water, air?
Correction: the best time to sun gaze is reported to be 1 hour after sunrise and 1 hour before sunset.
The whole “vortex energy” series playlist is quiet fascinating to me. Most interesting one is the one I listened to late yesternight where Tesla is reported to have had a US congressional hearing to request for funding to develop anti-war machine. The machine would disintegrate any material that is held by anyone with desire to hurt another human being. He also relates there’re particle energies that are released via love that are not influenced by ego. Here’s the link. Could it be that congress took the knowledge from Tesla in favor of utilizing the same tech to harm humanity? …emotional virus that target loving energies such as the zombies under spell in the movies to attack those who try to save them. Tesla’s documentary narrator also defines that “pyramid” means ‘light in the middle’. Even more interesting when you couple the vortex energy historical together with the underwriting/programming practices of those who influence the contracts that govern our life and health.
Could re-awakening the love harmonics within critical masses among us be the key necessary to “insure” the law to govern us will guarantee life, liberty and pursuit of happiness? If that is the case, then we must spread this info like wildfire among all of us living and breathing soulful/sentient beings, else the following book I believe explains the current governing powers’ view about us that I believe we must demand the “trustee” of our trust to cure and correct any and or all contracts that govern our nation in harm and or injury and proliferate contracts that insure life, liberty and pursuit of happiness to all sentient beings including but not limited to – the human nation - in line with our natural law – which is law that nurtures life/love/truth/equity – or cease and desist as we as a nation oppose deception, aggression and blood shed among one another: “HISTORY OF THE LAW OF NATIONS IN EUROPE AND AMERICA FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE TREATY OF WASHINGTON, 1842”, BY HENRY WHEATON, L.L.D., A MINISTER OF THE UNITED STATES AT THE COURT OF BERLIN CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF ACADEMY OF MORAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES IN THE INSTITUTE OF FRANCE. This book seems to’ve been a stepping stone in legalese to underwrite/program the contracts/policies/treaties that govern our present life and health. …I believe the below is taken from page 99 and 100,
“His views of the true principles on which the law of nature and nations ought to be founded are very concisely stated in the preface to his Collection of Treaties published in 1693. Right says he is moral power obligation moral necessity. By moral power I understand that which with a good man prevails as much as if it were physical. A good man is he who loves all men so far as reason allows. Justice therefore which rules that affection which the Greeks term Philanthropy may be appropriately called the benevolence of a wise man. Wisdom is the science of happiness. From this fountain flows the law of nature of which there are three grades strict law or commutative justice equity or distributive justice and piety probity or universal justice. Besides the rules of justice flowing from this divine fountain called the Natural Law there is a voluntary law established by usage or by the command of a superior. Thus within a commonwealth the civil law receives its sanction from the supreme power of the state without the commonwealth the voluntary law of nations is established by the tacit consent of nations. Not that it is necessarily the law of all nations and of all ages since the Europeans and the Indians often differ in their notions of International Law and even among us it may be changed by the lapse of time of which there are numerous examples. The basis of international law is the law of nature itself to which various modifications have been superadded at different times and places.”
Spinosa adopted maxims very different from the mild and beneficent principles of Leibnitz. He agrees with Hobbes that the natural state is a state of war that all men have a natural right to all things and that every independent community has a right to do whatever it pleases to other commonwealths they living in a condition of perpetual war. He even avows the absurd and detestable maxim that nations are not bound to observe their treaties longer than the interest or danger which formed the treaties continues.”
The above explains to me why so many treaties were made and broken between the invaders and Natives in America and likely all of our species at large here in earth. Ariel the movie and Airel the alien’s report seem to be reaffirmed by the above book…if the US Congress in control by the “Old Empire”? If not, why would US Congress suppress Nicolas Tesla’s anti-war device as well as ban cures, suppress our conscious, ban DMT, legalize mercury and genetically modified foods and pesticides, reduce the current courts away from equity to admin courts who do not even follow their own procedures, and or the likes?
"A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." -Albert Einstein
"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens." -Carl Jung
"Every portion of the universe is contained in every tiny area of the universe." -Michael Talbot
"If you want to understand the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration." - Nikola Tesla
"Do you remember how electrical currents and "unseen waves" were laughed at? The knowledge about man is still in its infancy." - Albert Einstein
From: Huda
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2011
Subject: ReClaiming the Source of Life Energy: love, sun, water, air?
It’s the ground hog’s day for us in this prison planet of aggression and or war unless we put estoppels to our own misery in/via Loving Energy with Wisdom, I believe.
They’re attempting to invoke fear. Let’s not be victims of fear any more: no longer surrender to fear. …nor shall we be victims for any other entity to take over our conscious. We can choose to exert the energy of conscious love instead where no lower energy can dwell within and without it. Take the below with a grain of salt – examine the evidence and you be the judge as to what you wish to take from their research material:
φ “LOVE, JOY, BRAVERY and 538 MUSIC BY Dr Leonard Horowitz”…click here for pdf of the book. Dr. Horowitz offers to incorporate the 538 Hz to the music you send to promote love, and effectively counter the Rothchild/Rockefeller non-love energy subliminal Hz.
φ “Daryll Brann SunGazing”: Reports that source of our real energy to be sun…we eat food to satisfy critters w/in? … ‘food’ is dead…some more than others?
φ “The Mystery of the Essenes ” Essenes reported to date back to Enoch… [There’s a famous town/place known as “Nazret” in Ethiopia and I believe Moses is reported to’ve married an Ethiopian princess…do your own research. I’m not sure what it is with bloodlines, but the powers that be seem to think it important. Why? ]
φ “Unifying Crop Circles” one of the crop circles encoded to read “we oppose deception”.
φ Vortex energy is us! Mary Hardy reports, similar as Daryll, best time to sun-gaze 1 hour after sunrise and 1 hour before sunset.
natural remedy for cancer, mood disorders, diabetic, infections, etc
“Take Vitamin D not the flu shot”
“Adequate Levels Of The "Weight Loss Vitamin" Can Be Obtained Through 10 Minutes Of Sun Exposure Each Day”:
List of some of the benefits of Vitamin D
φ “The Book of Love”
φ Report that ancients were taking from the sun…not worshipping it.
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Blessings of peace and joy.
by: huda hassen [shams].
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Re: ReClaiming the Source of Life Energy: love, sun, water, air?
2011/6/22 Huda <>