Fellow Investor,
On Wednesday my business partner -- Paul Tracy -- and I released this urgent video presentation about a historical event happening June 30th that could spell financial ruin for millions of Americans.
Thousands of people responded to our warning. So many people logged on at the same time that our server crashed... locking out thousands of investors who wanted access to this critical information.
Please accept my apology, if you were one of the people denied access.
It's important that you get a chance to watch this video. U.S. stocks could plunge 50% if the financial system locks up again on June 30th. And that may just be the beginning.
If you didn't see the market collapse coming in 2008, this time is different: the warning signs couldn't be clearer. Please watch this free video now... so you can save yourself from the collapse that could start by the end of the month.
June 30th is Looming Near -- Click Here to Watch the
Video Before It's Too Late
Lou Betancourt
Publisher, Top 10 Stocks
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Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Re: Please Accept My Apology
Note: this is not my company and have no partnership with this company I just receive emails with theses Warnings and investing tips of which I'm not even an investor
On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 7:24 AM, SA Financial <alerts@streetauthorityfinancial.com> wrote: