Greetings in peace,
Just found the below: explains the different united States, jurisdiction game, Lieber code, name game, bases of G/NESARA law, cloning, burst/bubble cyclic game, fraud upon the people's nation, and or the likes…stretch this to global level as I believe the similar coup has taken place in virtually every group of people within our "one [human] nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all".
The real history of America they didn't teach you in school.
This is lengthy (about 1 hour each part) so if it is too much for you at once...just view 1 part each day.After over 20 years of my own research into this and similar subjects I can personally tell you that "everything" you see & hear in this documentary is factual & true.
This young man of 31 has spent 3 years in the making of this film...and I have never seen such a comprehensive compilation of facts….[the narrator is reported to be a "super soldier".]
1. YouTube - Change is on the Horizon Part 1 of 3 Dawn of the Golden Age
2. YouTube - Change is on the Horizon Part 2 of 3 The American Federal Empire
3. YouTube - Change is on the Horizon Part 3 of 3 The Farmer Claims Program
If you couple videos above with the remedies in law thought by Winston Shrout's [who ofrent mentions the need to comprehend insurance claims perfection – we're dealing with insurance concept unfamiliar to most] together with comprehension of ANNUIT COEPTIS as a monetary policy – that is private traditional annuity insurance underwriting concepts – knowledge, I believe, we would be in a position to insure our lives, liberties and pursuits of happiness. One place to start is looking up law/legal dictionary meanings/concepts. For instant, when you look up "Annuity Public", for example, in a 1810 "The Law Dictionary, Define and Interpreting the Terms and Words of Arts, and Explaining the Rise, Progress and State of the English Law Abstracted from the Last Quarto Edition", by T.E. Tomlins ESQ of the Inner Temple, Barister at law, it reads "See National Debt". There is a group trying to introduce to the public "annuity coeptis" as credit and market volatility free monetary policy concept . I believe we have always had it within the private fixed annuity concepts – 'they' distorted its truth in the public in the past, and masqueraded the public annuity's truth in fraud, and now I believe the same group of "1776 ANNUIT COEPTIS" wish to bring its privileges and benefits forth as part of the "NEW WORLD ORDER" in similar way they brought it forth as a "NEW DEAL" in 1930's onto a "ONE DOLLAR" bill at an era when the nation's treasure was placed under the fed's control and offer Social Security benefits and privileges [a form of public annuity benefits], and in 1776-1778-ish as a "GREAT SEAL" of the u/United States of America, I believe. Unless the fraud is put to estoppels - whether the "currency system stays as is or backed by gold/silver/platinum or salt - historically and now, we will continue to have the bubble/bust volatilities upon the human interest, I believe. As Jesus is reported to ask, "What are you hungry for?" Equity – the truth & justice!
Here's OITC's website. From
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Blessings in peace and joy.
By: general executor Huda Hassen.
HUDA HASSEN, general estate.
general executor office.
Interest holder in:
*Insurance Counselor License number 1507355.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Re: Monetary policy historicals, remedies and concepts.
On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 7:21 PM, Huda <> wrote: