order non hybrid seeds LandRightsNFarming: Military Jurisdiction an Irrefutable Fact June 28, 2011

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Military Jurisdiction an Irrefutable Fact June 28, 2011

June 28, 2011

Navy Legal Services
1 360- 476-1003 ph
1-360-476-1003 fx

RE; Military jurisdiction over the US Bankruptcy et al and the US Trust.

Jeanette-Audrey; [Triplett]
702-742-3123 c/o Rodney-Dale;[Class]

Navy Legal Services/Lonnie.Wheeler  et al

Your office was notified some time ago about the military having proper jurisdiction over the matters addressed at that time by both myself and Mr. Rodney-Dale; [Class].

Your office gave me clearance as my husband, now deceased, was retired US Navy with Top Secret Clearance at the White House and Pentagon during his tours of duty, three in Viet Nam and one in Korea.

Military jurisdiction  is due specifically to the US Bankruptcy  of 1933,  (but  all have failed to discharge all debts) pursuant to:
73RD CONGRESS. SESS 1. CHS. 48 49. JUNE 5, 6,1933 HJR 192, HR 1491 PUBLIC LAW 1 48 STAT 1, PUBLIC LAW 10 CHAPTER 48 STAT 112, PUBLIC LAW 73-10 40 STAT 411, TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ACT (TWEA) OCT 6, 1917, but not limited to.

It would have been greatly appreciated, and prudent, for your office to have acted in our behalf when your services were requested by myself and colleague to prevent damages from occurring, which is currently the case, but not exclusively.

Since our initial phone conversations and other correspondences about a year ago  wherein  evidence  was provided to your office by Mr. Dale and myself,  even further evidence to support the fact that military has jurisdiction over all matters can be provided as irrefutable.

Below are three links to youtube videos with evidence that the Navy has been protecting  the Americans Trust put into military  jurisdiction by Abraham Lincoln in 1863 pursuant to The Lieber Code, or General Order 100 as protection from The International Bankers having the intent to overthrow the Constitutional form of Government for which finally, The Smith Act of 1947 was created.

Congress is the Trustee of this Trust, but has failed to protect that Trust, has breached that responsibility and that can clearly be observed in part by the foreclosures across this country, after courts  and The Federal Reserve have profited through Court Registry Investment System (CRIS)

The question remains, since the  Confiscation Act of 1867, if all real and other property was confiscated, how could the banks, real estate companies and mortgage companies sell real or other property to Americans unless they stole it from the "Confiscation Room" to sell us something that we already owned?

This would be no different than me hypothetically speaking, wrongfully taking your automobile to the nearest pawnshop, exchanging it for cash, wherein you now need to go to that pawn shop and "buy back" your automobile that you already owned.

In the meantime, the public debt has not been paid by these, or the utility, companies that are doing the same thing.

These debts were all supposed to have been charged off.  They have not been. Instead, the utility companies are sending a dividend (where one should be able to deposit as payment) to the people, who are  the creditors of the 1933 US Bankruptcy, but the people are being told this is "an invoice", so the utility companies are stealing the dividends and making the  people pay the utility  dividend  under the pretense it is an "invoice", so the utility company is collecting twice on  every dividend, then depositing that fraudulently conveyed payment into their private corporation account BUT NOT PAYING THE PUBLIC DEBT OR TAXES.

This money can now be lawfully  re-obtained by the people under military jurisdiction  applying the 14th Amendment section 4 Bounty TO PAY THE PUBLIC DEBT, and pursuant to the  incorporated Acts of Congress, but not limited to.

Now, the equity of this country is being choked out of us and fraudulently conveyed into the Bank of London and directly to the Rothschilds, as explained in the debt for equity exchange plan 2007. ( Pdf file 107 pages, incorporated in entirety by reference).

Additionally, further  Treaties are being signed with over 73 countries wherein yet further billions of dollars are being directly diverted directly into the Banco Vaticano, the final resting place of ill gotten gains.

Your responsibility, as our military personnel, is to protect us from the enemy both foreign and domestic.  Please understand that the enemy is strangling this country into poverty by/through/with/as the national, federal, state, and international banks, the enemy that both the assassinations of President Lincoln and John F. Kennedy are  the direct cause.

Abraham Lincoln created the "greenbacks' that would tax the National banks out of existence.  John Kennedy was creating the Silver Certificate Notes. Both these presidents paid  the ultimate sacrifice trying to protect this country from these international Banking criminals who are  in full force and effect with the intent to destroy this country from within.

The letters written to and from the Rothschild's in June 1863, of which I have copies and have shared on the web, taken from "Vindication"  by Rutherford" and further incorporated in "A Country Defeated in Victory" Part II, page 2, explains in great detail how this banking system would create great profits for those who understood it, and the rest not educated well enough would not understand the inimical harm it would cause but "bear the brunt of the burden."

If you cannot see the importance of this letter then  eleven years of my life's work, energy, heart and soul and my husband's military career have all been in vain wherein we both fought to keep America free and safe from the enemy foreign and/or domestic.

Attached  is an article I wrote how this country is being embezzled, it is only one of hundreds.

Mr Dale; is a radio "talkshoe" host on AIB every Tuesday and Friday night 9:00pm ET where he teaches  what I for one have researched showing the fraud committed against us and how the courts are actually nothing more than banks and bankers for the Crown of England, wherein the Office of The Comptroller of The Currency (OCC) and the judges "get their orders."

The OCC was originally also set up by Abraham Lincoln to protect us but the banks converted that office to benefit themselves, as did most legislation, including that of Roosevelt, whose nephew was one of the original officers for the Federal Reserve.

The Comptroller of The Currency in Houston Texas received letters from Mr Rodney-Dale; [Class] and myself notifying that office they were to have been discharging ours ( including utilities) and ALL of the people's debts since 1933, but instead have fraudulently conveyed and converted into private industries for private profit, draining the counties across this country drier than the Sahara Desert.

Time is short for the military to step up to the plate as requested by the American people, represented by Mr. ;Rodney-Dale[; Class]  and myself, ;Jeanette-Audrey; [Triplett], each qualified as a private attorney general, ;Rodney-Dale; having received Congressional authorization and his seal, for whom I work under as a volunteer, Pro Bono.

It appears to be inevitable that one way or the other the military will be present during, or worse yet after this matter, as it seems that military martial law is not too far down the road. It appears the banks motive is to incite riots to initiate this next step. We teach  to act within the boundaries of the law, but to hold those accountable to  the fullest extent of the law.

The people across this country have tried, apparently only  as an exercise  in futility, to protect what has been rightfully theirs since the US Bankruptcy of 1933 and what Abraham Lincoln sought to protect knowing with foresight what was coming, but  the banks keep stealing, never having had any right to "sell" to those who already owned that which is  fraudulently being sold to them.

If anything should be confiscated across this country, it should be all the Utilities Companies assets, all those CEO and upper management assets should also be frozen and seized as a section 4 14th Amendment Bounty, pay off the public debt with the proceeds and put the rest back into the American Trust for which "The White Knights"  Navy military have been trying to surreptitiously protect.

Further, the same should apply to  all judicial officers assets which  should also be frozen as acting in concert and  with intent in collusion with the Banks,  each acting as foreign and domestic terrorists.

Today's date Obama is being granted "Limited Jurisdiction" in Libya to continue the war. This comes directly after the Bilderberg meeting wherein Obama was advised to step up the war efforts to a "Third World War" level as reported awaiting the transcripts of the Switzerland meeting which transpired earlier in June 2011.

This "step up" is due to concern that the US will pull out of the  International Monetary Fund  (IMF).

Anyway one looks at this it still comes back to the banks, enacting laws to protect only themselves and to infiltrate the American Trust under Military  protection since Abraham Lincoln.

There are only two kinds of people on this planet, those who are a part of the problem, and those who are the solution, which are you?

Though I am not military my husband was, and I will continue to fight for what he fought for, with or without your assistance.

I, too, am one of those Americans that the Vulturous banks and Utilities Companies have  ensnared in their death grip, had your office acted when called upon the suffering endured now could easily have been avoided.


Please review the videos below which show the military position in protecting the American Trust and our gold  the banks are hell bent on stealing.

Part 1 Dawn of the Golden Age - Discuses how Saint Germain helped bring about the beginnings of a enlightened era which soon fell into darkness under the helms of the Illuminati and a corrupted masonic order.


Part 2 - The American Federal Empire. America was always meant to be always a shinning beacon of freedom and prosperity to the world. But the machinations of British bankers and the Rothschild's soon destroyed all that was once good in this great land.


Part 3 - The Farmer Claim Program - Discuses how a class action lawsuit brought about in the early 1990's lead to the creation of NESARA, the National Economic Security and Reformation Act which will ultimately tear apart the New World Order and bankers plans right out from under their feet.
