Recently several of my colleagues and I were informed of a lawsuit filed by the SEC vs. LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES.
We are reviewing the 2009 case currently.
As a research investigative specialist all attempts were made to get any public record files on that matter.
Some files that were obtained show LUCENT connects to ATT.
Other files obtained through Florida Corporations shows additional information.
Washington Corporations Division immediately crashed upon entering the word LUCENT into the data base.
Further, in cross referencing LUCENT, it was discovered the computer used at that time also was operating with LUCENT software, as are most computers.
However, almost immediately upon researching the word "LUCENT", herein's A T T cell phone, Satellite TV, Computer, and external hard drive were all simultaneously "Hit" by an unknown source and unknown devise(s).
The External Hard drive is 500GB, and was destroyed, though new. Fortunately a professional was able to retrieve and transfer files onto another hard drive, after several attempts, the first hard drive now rendered useless.
The Satellite dish was unable to "Download Data". After numerous attempts, finally operated.
The computer that was affected simultaneously having LUCENT software, behaves as though an unknown source is moving the mouse without any assistance from herein.
Emails disappear from sight, words, sentences, and complete documents erase right off the page, and/or do not reach destination contact.
Web pages normally visited are now inaccessible which seems to be the case from several colleagues experiencing the same intellectual property theft issues. As members of the Press this is blatant violations of Article 1 of The Bill of Rights.
As for the ATT cell phone that had private phone numbers deleted and speed dial numbers erased, that phone was reported damaged on the air, during an internet radio broadcast, the same time the computer and satellite issues were also reported.
Today, having waited for the weekend to pass, the same Damaged ATT cell phone that was just purchased on April 7, 2011, not even one month previous, was taken back to the store for a simple replacement.
It was additionally explained to the first ATT employee "John", that AFTER THE PHONE HAD ALREADY BEEN HIT by unknown energy source (most probably an EMP) the phone had later had some minor water damage, but only after the phone was already "HIT", which as a result of the "Hit" was causing dead air conversations where neither party could hear the other party.
After returning back to the ATT store a second time as requested by ATT employee, "John" at about 12:00 noon, today's' date 5-2-2011, "store assistant manager giving the name of '"Cinnamon," refused to replace the less than one month old phone that was damaged by some sort of energy burst. receiving minor water damage ONLY AFTER THE PHONE WAS ALREADY DAMAGED.
Upon reviewing receipt for said phone, and "Rebate form", ATT had demanded the form filled out with all upper case letters, which indicates corporate status pursuant to Delaware Corporations Division's Corporate Laws.
Said rebate which is to be fifty (50,00) US dollars, is to be in the form of a "PREPAID VISA".
This "VISA" would be issued in corporate status, wherein ATT would securitize on herein's signature, which a forensic audit of that account would provide the evidence that account would have reaped many millions of additional US dollars, in addition to that again of foreign currencies, for ATT and its' subsidiaries here and abroad.
However, the monthly invoice sent to herein, pursuant to the US Bankruptcy of 1933 has not yet been charged of through the Comptroller of The Currency contingent of that same Bankruptcy Act, which is breach of trust, the subject matter being the property of that trust, which is every American individual whose signatures are being securitized, but the debts are not being charged off, in violation of the trust, and the Trustees are acting without authority, so that entire "contract is null and void" since all of these agencies, ATT under the FCC are only keeping one side of the agreement, the securitization, but not charging off the debts, therefore embezzling all monies received which rightfully belong to the American people.
"Cinnamon" at the ATT dealer store in Warrenton Oregon off highway 101, was advised that "I am not the one she wants to get into an argument over this matter with."
I advised "Cinnamon" of the SEC vs LUCENT lawsuit, is highly probably the reason all herein's electronic equipment was apparently recently simultaneously hit with an EMP, though even during this letter the curser is moving around on the screen like a Ouija board.
Additionally "Cinnamon" was advised that as a member of AIB radio this matter will be aired on the next broadcast and I will mention her name, to which she replied go ahead, so verbal authority was given to do so.
However, the broadcast and website information was additionally simultaneously hit as well. One can only hope it will be up and running prior to the next broadcast.
Herein's research connects LUCENT to ATT, then to ENRON, who owns internet radio, which in turn is Haliburton, which in turn is Federal Prison Industries, Inc, which in turn is UNICOR, all securitizing court cases wherein judges and the court clerk administrators file a Public Debt Form 1522 et al (4000) to US Treasury to obtain a CUSIP number (COMMITTEE ON SECURITIES IDENTIFICATION PROCEDURES) which is a copyrighted registered trademark of the AMERICAN BANKERS ASSOCIATION (ABA) yes the same abbreviation as the AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION (ABA), (one uses a period in between the letters and one does not)
ATT was informed that herein can reopen or file into the SEC vs LUCENT lawsuit case with newly discovered extrinsic evidence pursuant to Hazel Atlas Glass, 1940-44, Ohio, or is available to testify as a third party witness in behalf of the SEC on securities fraud by LUCENT, which may or may also include the Fujitsu chip in Hewlett Packard Computers that "cause a breach of security causing identity theft."
That last piece of information was discovered in the Class action lawsuit filed a few years back against Hewlett Packard, with the former also being a class action lawsuit filed against Hewlett Packard because of the identity theft.
So, ATT is obtaining personal identification, to rebate a "VISA" credit card allowing the company to tap into individuals credit, LUCENT being the software in the computers and worse, which Hewlett Packard has previously been sued for identity theft and recovery issues, all of which the individual as the private account holder pays a monthly bill for services provided, but in turn the companies securitize on the private email accounts, the private phone numbers, including ATT, wherein the accounts are then traded on the market with assigned CUSIP #'s as public property, but the individuals accounts are not charged off pursuant to the Bankruptcy Act of 1933, which violates the fiduciary responsibility of the trustees, Congress et al as stated in the US Bankruptcy Act of 1933. It was also stated that 1933 Bankruptcy went through the UN, which wasn't established until 1946.
These Federal, State, County and local agencies are then embezzling the funds for private unjust enrichment acting outside their authority under color of law, then laundering that same money. None of which is making its way back into any county nationwide for the people in those municipalities.
All utilities which include, water, sewer, electricity, TELEPHONE and the Department of Transportation also securitize all accounts , but the Comptroller of The Currency in every county, state and Dallas Texas headquarters have yet to discharge every individuals accounts in this country.
This also includes securitizing of Social Security numbers, Birth Certificates, Marriage licenses, and Death Certificate et al, but no debts have to date been charged off the individuals as was the agreement pursuant to the 1933 US Bankruptcy.
Every judge across the country will claim " I have subject matter jurisdiction", referring to the individual before the judge as property of the trust of that 1933 Bankruptcy.
When laundering black money to green the embezzler and co-conspirators have to create a tangible asset out of thin air.
The two steps needed to do this is step one, an attorney is needed to create and craft legal documents that are anything but lawful. Step two , launder through a Casino, if one can't go through a Casino, then build one. Henceforth the recent mass production of Gambling Casino's now available to the International money launderers worldwide. Even Las Vegas is now operated by the large Corporations since the early 1970's.
Massive developments is another way to launder money for turning black money green.
A Section 4 14th Amendment bounty against those named herein but not limited to, will be help return the embezzled funds and stolen gold disappearing from 1920-1930's and the16 metric tons having disappeared during the Clinton Administration back to the local organic counties to balance the budget, as well as freezing the assets of those intentionally violating the Trust, and embezzling funds instead of charging off the debts, which should also include a nice long stint in their own prison industry for a taste of inhumanity.
All ATT had to do was kindly replace a phone that was intentionally destroyed by those companies having the means, method, motive, opportunity and intent to prevent herein from exposing the same for massive embezzlement, money laundering, securities fraud, and counterfeit obligations, including the courts pursuant to USC TITLE 18 § 472; 473; 474 as explained above, and for which Scott Rothstein is currently in prison for investing in "confidential court cases", and for which Wall Street knows for a fact the entire government is one giant "Ponzi Scheme". This barely touches the criminal behaviour committed but the reader should get the gist of it.
The newly released Documentary "Inside Job" includes numerous interviews of Wall Street Investors, bankers and attorneys explaining in more detail how some of the above works.
One of those interviewed in that Documentary when asked the question "why haven't they done a thorough investigation?" replied with something to the effect "then they would know who is responsible"
ATT to LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC to ENRON to Nicola Tesla to Otto Skorzeny to George Scherff to George Bush to Prescott Bush to JP Morgan to Dallas/Houston Texas et al The Federal Reserve wherein all CUSIP accounts are deposited and for whom bailed out AIG for the investment investors over insuring during the housing bubble who were anxiously waiting for it to pop.
Just one forensic audit on only one 1.5million dollar home, in fact, provided the evidence that same home was securitized to the amount of 93m, that's ninety three million dollars in US funds.
The insurance companies are knee deep in this quagmire, just ask AIG, UNIFUND, and FIDELITY, to name just a few key players, whose securities, as do all others as well, run right into The CORPORATION TRUST COMPANY in Delaware.
The new insurance policy is that ANYONE CAN INSURE ANYTHING!
SO, for example, fifty investors insure one 1.5m home, after it is securitzed to 93m, then bingo, the house of cards falls, the insured investors, all fifty of them, file fifty 93m insurance claims, and AIG et al goes belly up, but cries to the general public whose homes were foreclosed on because of this Ponzi scheme having run amok in the first place.
"Cinnamon," refusing to supply her last name, at Warrenton, Oregon ATT store on 5 2 2011, was advised that this letter will be drafted, that the Securities Exchange Commission will be a recipient being notified of the damages that occurred to herein's ATT cell phone that was already rendered useless before minor water damage having occurred after the fact.
The research currently underway was specifically for the purpose of notifying SEC et all agency even if the phone had NOT been a direct hit of retaliation, the information will still be retrieved and delivered, worldwide. Hope that doesn't affect ATT stocks too negatively.
Hopefully Donald Trump will refer this document as well as all the others!
Thank you Mr. Trump!
And Thank you to;
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;Jeanette Audrey; [Triplett]