Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
People are finally starting to figure out the core of the carbuncle is England!!!
Does the term "International Terrorists" mean anything to those reading the herein attachment " open letter to agents of the crown" ( Not written by herein), when referring to the activities of all attorneys, worldwide?
It should, because that is exactly what these attorneys, employees of the crown, are, and the crown knows it, so do all the Rothschilds into whose bank of England all proceeds are deposited, re insured, re dispersed and then redeposited into all the other Rothschilds bank branches and subsidiaries thereof, all the while growing and multiplying like a growing out of control cancerous malignancy.
Now, God save the queen, because all the kings horses and all the kings men won't be able to put her back together again when she's standing on the wrong side of the fan that is starting to spin faster by the day!
Looks like someone also read "George Bush A Monster", and all the other documented incriminating evidence combined showing this little Racketeering Enterprise together that the diabolical Rothchildian Empire so evilly and intentionally crafted to gather all the world's gold, including that tainted with tungsten, which is allegedly supposed to back the debts between countries, but in which the [common] people instead are issued Federal Reserve Notes on intaglio bank note paper.
In case the reader does not know who/what those companies are, all one has to do is ask and ye shall receive as this author does, in fact, have the list of every bank note manufacturer in the world. The reader only has to search Bank Note Companies to obtain the list.
The letters providing substantial incriminating evidence to hang all domestic and international co conspirators for high treason and other crimes shown in the letters to and from the Rothschild's dating on or about June 1863, coincidentally close to the[1st] Bank Act, shows in great detail the intent of the scheme of things to come.
The Rothschild's and conspirators at all levels have been for centuries, and still are to date, wrongly hoping that the general public had been sufficiently dumbed down by the use of their chemicals in our food, water and air supply to proceed with the counterfeit money plan that is now back firing.
The Illuminati, the Bilderbergs, the Council on Foreign Relations, commonly known as CFR, the Trilateral Commission, Knights of the Golden Fleece, which should be the "Nights of the Fleecing of the Gold" Knights of Malta, Skull & Bones, Masons, Jesuits, and all the other "Not so Secret Anymore Societies" may want to consider quitting their little boys clubs and become men, but be careful when wondering through Sherwood Forest because the trees have eyes, lots of them, and a keen sense of smell, picking up the stench from this dirty rotten bunch of sell proclaimed blue bloods who now need to remove those silver spoons from their lower digestive system.
England has been making all the rules al along, making America think they are free, but as the Illuminati have made clear is "That if America knew what we were really doing, they would discover that they are anything but free."
So, all the taxes collected, all birth, death and other Certificates including Certificates of Titles ( your automobile, homes etc.), particularly profitable is everyone's Social Security numbers that the queen has sole authority over, all licenses Americans are forced to buy, including marriage, and even fishing licenses to fish for food God gave the earth freely, all are in turn securitized by these Racketeers, whose motto is certainly "All for one and one for all Mine."
Since everyone knows by now that the courts have absolutely no jurisdiction in law, equity or controversy, pursuant to the 11th amendment which removed any judicial authority originally granted by the Constitution, but under which all judicial officers and pathological liar lawyers are still bound by oath to uphold but fail to do so, this leaves only "CONTRACTS" as stated business.
These "Contracts" are bought and sold in the open market faster than the licensed fish brought in off the boats.
The Rothschild's and their kin folk, The Bar Attorneys, are writing laws faster than any fisherman can get a license to net even one fish.
Anyone who knows, or searches for, the truth knows who is the ruler of this system of things, the fact remains that God did create earth for man to be fruitful and multiply, not to stop at five hundred million as Agenda 21 and those delusional and maniacal psychopathic megalomaniacs intend and want the world to believe.
God created all animals for mankind, not the crown of England, as self proclaimed owner of all wildlife to be licensed by a King or Queen of ANY crown.
So the attached letter should be sent far and wide, to let the world know we don't answer to any queen or any king or especially any attorney, anywhere in the world, now or in the future, and that their game is up, check mate.
As this wrote years ago, "when the good old boys club is ready to play a real game of chess, quit moving the pawns around on the board and bring on the real men, but when the game is over, the queen [only figuratively speaking as a game piece] will still be on the board", meaning that long after all the knights, bishops, and pawns have been overtaken, this author will still be fighting.
Below is a list of contacts should the reader feel compelled to speak freely, remember "Article 1 of The Bill of Rights?"
However, remember to use diplomacy and respect when addressing any letter, courtesy is always number one.
The difference between diplomacy and tact is; Tact is telling one to go to H E - -.
Diplomacy is seeing to it that they have a good trip, and helping them pack their bags.
All rights reserved in perpetuity
Jeanette Audrey; [Triplett]
Below is the address to the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the UK, Head of Comptroller of the Currency.
Chancellor of the Exchequer
The Right Honourable Gordon Brown, and/or George Osborne
Number 10 Downing Street (11)
London, UK
Following is the address for the Queen
The Queen;
Her Majesty The Queen
Buckingham Palace
London SW1A 1AA
General enquiries can be made by telephone during working hours: (+44) (0)20 7930 4832
Below are more contacts.;
The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall
You can write to The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall, Prince William and Prince Harry at the following address:
Clarence House
London SW1A 1BA
General enquiries can be made by telephone during working hours: (+44) (0)20 7930 4832.
Other members of the Royal Family
You can contact other members of the Royal Family at the following addresses:
His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh
Buckingham Palace
London SW1A 1AA
Tel (during working hours): (+44) (0)20 7930 4832
His Royal Highness The Duke of York
Buckingham Palace
London SW1A 1AA
Tel (during working hours): (+44) (0)20 7930 4832
Their Royal Highnesses The Earl and Countess of Wessex
Bagshot Park
Surrey GU19 5PL
Tel (during working hours): (+44) (0)20 7930 4832
Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal
Buckingham Palace
London SW1A 1AA
Tel (during working hours): (+44) (0)20 7930 4832
Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester
Kensington Palace
London W8 4PU
Tel (during working hours): (+44) (0)20 7930 4832
His Royal Highness The Duke of Kent
St. James's Palace
London SW1A 1BQ
Tel (during working hours): (+44) (0)20 7930 4872
Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Kent
Wren House
Palace Green
London W8 4PY
Tel (during working hours): (+44) (0)20 7937 2730
Her Royal Highness Princess Alexandra, The Honourable Lady Ogilvy
Buckingham Palace
London SW1A 1AA
Tel (during working hours): (+44) (0)20 7930 4832.
giving themselves the means, method, motive and opportunity to control the worlds synthetic wealth of counterfeit banknotes, since they own the bank note companies.