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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

OpEdNews: Confused by the Arab Spring? I am.

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Latest Headlines

By Rob Kall
Dennis Kucinich Interview Part II; Peace, Power and Social Media

the transcript of my interview with Dennis Kucinich continues, covering Peace, the idea of a department of peace, his thoughts on Power and on the use of bottom up social media

By Kevin Gosztola
The Gitmo Files: What Can Be Found in a File

Months after news organizations reported the Guantanamo Files might be WikiLeaks' next release , the files are now posted on the WikiLeaks website . Nearly 800 documents, memoranda from Joint Task Force Guantanamo (JTF-GTMO), the combined force in charge of the Guantanamo Bay prison to US Southern Command in Miami, Florida.

By Rob Kall
Confused by the Arab Spring
I don't know whether the Arab Spring is a good or bad thing.

By Andrew Schmookler
Here is a fuller explication of my message for my two-track campaign, which is an effort to change the present destructive political dynamic in the country. Here's why I believe the "Elephant in the Room" image captures the heart of our national crisis, and why I think TALKING about it --exposing the destructive force on the right for what it is-- can be the key to turning things around.

The Tea Party, The Greedy Rich and Ayn Rand--Parasites, Lice and Moochers
Ayn Rand's influence upon the Tea Partiers, Libertarians and Republicans can be seen in their callous treatment of the poor and middle class.

By Robert Naiman
An Anti-War Candidate Announces for President
If there is no anti-war Democratic primary where you live, would you consider voting in a Republican primary to vote against the war?

By Kevin Zeese
The "Bradley Manning Exception to the Bill of Rights" Devastates the Credibility of the Military Justice System

The Bradley Manning Exception to the Bill of Rights is devastating the credibility of the military court system. President Obama has made a fair trial impossible with his announcement of Manning's guilt. It is time to end this kangaroo court prosecution.

GOP Picture for 2012 Remains Blurry

The crop of 2012 Republican presidential candidates is about to expand, adding faces to one of the most varied--and muddled--GOP fields in decades. The lineup currently lacks a clear favorite to stir the GOP base, to the dismay of many in the party.

By Rob Kall
Dennis Kucinich Interview Transcript: on Libya and Obama's Impeachability

I talk to Dennis Kucinich about Obama's actions in Libya and factors to be considered regarding constitutionality and impeachability.

By Suzana Megles
Through the Third Door
Lucky the disabled dog or cat who finds a "Third Door." Kitchee was one such lucky dog and the third door for her was Home for Life in Minneapolis.

By Adnan Al-Daini
The role of women in the Arab Awakening
Arab despots and dictators see the legitimate demands of their people for justice, human rights and freedom as a challenge to their manliness. It has inhibited them from responding intelligently and flexibly. A society with a culture that excludes women from politics, and admires a "fearless" leader, who is ruthless and unable to tolerate dissent, is a poor one with ruinous consequences for its people.

By Philip Zack
Short Story: "Contractor Uprising"
There are many kinds of leader. Just because you're not the one at the mike doesn't mean you don't influence those around you. Seeding an idea right here at OpEdNews might be all it takes. Charlie found out just how powerful his words could be. How about yours?

By Bruce K. Gagnon
Pyramids to the Heavens
The spectacle of a recovering Rep. Giffords and Obama waving to her husband as he blasts off on the space shuttle will bring tears to many eyes and warm feelings in many hearts. The aerospace industry hopes that more support for "everything" space will also result.

Democrats and Gun Control
Says The NY Times, "Months after Al Gore's defeat in 2000, Terry McAuliffe, then the Democratic Party chief, urged Democrats to steer clear of gun control, warning of the "devastating impact on elections" wrought by the gun lobby's monied campaign attacks. Far too many Democratic politicians have since followed that cynical doctrine. The gun lobby's power has only grown while 30,000 Americans die each year by gun violence.

General Strikes- a brief history

Although you may not have heard about them, general strikes have played an important role in American labor history. They have carved out key turning points, marking the emergence of a new kind of organization, a breakthrough in contesting political power, a new level of class consciousness, setting a tone for years of struggle to come. Legal or not, sanctioned or not, praised or demonized by the media, dramatized or ignored by history books, these strikes have been central to our history....Of course, the story does not end here. Workers in other countries have often used the general strike to advance our interests. In Ontario, Canada in the mid-1990's, workers fought back against government attacks very similar to those we are now facing in Wisconsin...

By Kevin Anthony Stoda
Sense of Safety here in Taiwan
I hope that back in the USA, there are still some parts of the country which provide similar senses of safety for indidividuals and crimes.

By Jim Arnold
Gravitation, force and energy
Gravitation is described as a uniquely geometric phenomenon, incompatible with the concepts of force, energy, and inertia, and only analogically comparable by means of mathematical formalizations. Two thought experiments are employed to demonstrate that the association of gravitation with force and inertia is irreconcilable with the geometric interpretation and without theoretical foundation or empirical support.

By Roger Shuler
Will Democrats Ever Rise Again in the Deep South?

Are Democrats taking more wrong turns in the Deep South?

By Ed Martin
What it takes to be a Republican, the Loughner-Phelps/Republican connection
The things it takes to be a Republican are all negatives. Insufferable arrogance, invincible ignorance, proud hypocrisy, total irrationality, deceit as a virtue, mental vacuity, and the list goes on.

By Robert Burns
Has the Radical Right Lost Its Mojo?

A look at the Tea Party and their declining fortunes

By Doc "Old Codger" McCoy
A Walk Down Memory Lane: Some things haven't changed at all

Why do progressives have such a difficult time selling their visions and dreams to the American public? After 40 years plus, one would think that they would have been able to better hone their message; to get more converts to their side of the road.

By Tom Engelhardt
Tomgram: McCoy and Reilly, An Empire of Failed States
McCoy, a canny observer of empire and TomDispatch regular, and Reilly then take us on a dizzying tour of those "subordinate elites" and how, for half a century, the U.S. ran its imperial domains through local leadership; how Washington built up militaries around the world, and how, when the going got rough, U.S. administration after administration changed that leadership.

By Antonia Juhasz
Voices From the Gulf Oil Disaster

Antonia Juhasz reflects on the one year anniversary of BP's Gulf oil catastrophe.

A Crack in Wall Street's Defenses
TWO individual investors just scored a remarkable win against Citigroup.The pair was awarded a total of $54 million in a securities arbitration case against the Smith Barney unit of the company -- the largest amount ever awarded to individuals in such a case,according to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.The arbitrators in Mr. Hosier's case seemed keen to hold Wall St accountable.And his win against Citigroup does not appear to be an anomaly.Since April 2010,his lawyer has argued 16 other arbitrations involving the same type of investment.Mr. Aidikoff and the lawyers who assist him have won every one.In an interview,Mr. Hosier said the experience had opened his eyes to the disturbing ways of Wall Street."Instead of the financial world being the lubricant for business,they are manufacturing products with no utility except generating fees.Wall St is destroying the country."

By Sheila Samples
Politics -- Spinning Out of Control

I have a real problem with Democrats who refuse to get off their knees long enough to stand up for what they believe in. What do they believe in? Community organizing? Democrats are not evil; they really really want to do what is right, but with few exceptions, they are timid, hypocritical little cave-inskis when it comes to walking their talk. They take the money and call it bipartisanship. I call it betrayal.

By Kurt Stone
With Friends Like These . . .
Glenn Beck's "transitioning" off of Fox has brought about glee in many quarters. Then too, it has drawn tears and regrets from many who are willing to give this latter-day Father Coughlin a pass on all of his nutty, right-wing positions, because he "stands with Israel." It would appear that for some, the old saw about "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" even extends to Glenn Beck. What a pity . . .

By Stephen Lendman
BP Stonewalling Compensation to Gulf Residents
BP is a crime organization

By Mac McKinney
Haitian Winter, Part 8: Hey, Sweet Micky! Let's Clean up Truttier and Haiti's Water

As a new administration takes over in Haiti, let us hope that the first thing that Michel Martelly does is to address the catastrophic lack of clean drinking water in Haiti, which lack will continue you to drive poverty, sickness and particularly cholera.

By David Michael Green
Trump Beats All
Donald Trump now tops GOP presidential polls. What does that say about America?


Latest Articles

Donald Trump: Do it or Don't But Decide or your PR Will Be Hurt
If you're looking for a master example of branding, and exploiting the art of publicity, look no further than Donald Trump. When one hears Trump, wealth, luxury, and opulence resonate -- but I think if he's not serious about running for President he needs to stop his campaign very soon he may forever damage his brand.

Comparison of Two Large Foreign English Teacher and Internationalization Projects in East Asia
In the 1980s--in order to improve Japanese foreign relaions and image in the world, Japan set out to create the world's largest teachers exchange project, a project largely focused on goals of related to improving international communication. Now, Taiwan is on such a journey--having recently created a modest Foreign English Teacher project. The author has been involved in both projects.

Happy Easter from the "Moderate" Media on Meet the Pests
Democracy in America is dead. The script has long ago been written and is now being carried out to the corporate tee!

April Gallop vs Cheney, Rumsfeld, Myers - 9/11 Court Case
A Pentagon analyst named April Gallop was working on that $2.3 Trillion accounting slip-up and was ordered by her boss to come in to work early on the morning of 9/11. She was injured by the blast that was supposed to be the collision of flight 77. She crawled out the hole in the building, and saw no wreckage, no sign that an airplane had hit the building. She is suing the govt, and her appeal was heard in New Haven last week.

2010 State Department Human Right Report on Haiti
Severe repression in Haiti

Where is Mohammed al-Tajer?
Do you understand how or why our government is so unwilling or so unable to speak out against man's inhumanity to man? Bahrain is a perfect example.

The Republican Right's California Racism
Marilyn Davenport's California racist foray has tragic precedent.


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Peace, Love, Understanding and Food Not Bombs
The title says it all, but the article is well worth the read. Great pictures throughout.

Why Advocacy and Market Forces Fail Education Reform, Paul Thomas

Market forces are not a silver bullet for reforming education, but market advocates persist despite evidence against their ideology. Charter schools and the medical profession offer insight into the need to be skeptical about market forces and education reform.

The Fundamental Injustice That Is Poisoning the Nation

The Central State, designed to protect the citizenry from an oppressive monarchy or Elite, now protects this Elite from the citizenry. That is how thoroughly the injustice has been institutionalized.

Sewers, Swaps and Bachus -JOE NOCERA
Why did Spencer Bachus, chairman of the Financial Services Committee, introduce legislation to delay the regulation of derivatives? Says, Nocera, "You would think Bachus would want these regulations in place as quickly as possible given the pain his constituents are suffering,' and the collapse of Jefferson County due to the derivative disaster. "Yet, last week, along with a handful of other House Republican bigwigs, he introduced legislation that would do just the opposite: It would delay derivative regulation until January 2013."

Freeway pollution causes brain damage in mice-- Reuters
Exposure to the particles, which are too small to be captured by car filtering systems, were shown to significantly damage neurons used in learning and memory, as well as cause signs of inflammation associated with premature aging and Alzheimer's disease.

Paul Krugman: Let's Take a Hike

The core of the Ryan proposal is a plan to privatize and defund Medicare. Yet this would do nothing to reduce the deficit over the next 10 years, which is why all the near-term deficit reduction comes from brutal reductions in aid to the needy and unspecified cuts in discretionary spending. Tax increases, by contrast, can be fast-acting remedies for red ink.

Hundreds of Taliban 'escape prison'
Afghan government officials have confirmed that some 540 Taliban officers and commanders have escaped from Kandahar prison via a 350 metre-long tunnel. If the officials have the correct number for those who have escaped - 540 Taliban commanders and senior officers on the run - then this break will constitute a "big success" for the Taliban.

WikiLeaks: Secret Guantanamo files show U.S. disarray
But a collection of secret Bush-era intelligence documents not meant to surface for another 20 years shows that the military's efforts at Guantanamo often were much less effective than the government has acknowledged. Viewed as a whole, the secret intelligence summaries help explain why in May 2009 President Barack Obama, after ordering his own review of wartime intelligence, called America's experiment at Guantanamo "quite simply a mess."

Guantanamo Bay: How the White House lost the fight to close it
Guantanamo was reflective of the aspects of Obama's leadership style that continue to distress his liberal base--a willingness to allow room for compromise and a passivity that at times permits opponents to set the agenda. Obama has conceded that Guantanamo will not close anytime soon. "Obviously I haven't been able to make the case right now, and without Congress's cooperation, we can't do it," he said.

For conflicted Ryan constituent, budget debate about more than his own future

Ryan, the Republican chairman of the House Budget Committee, had returned to his district in southern Wisconsin to detail his 2012 budget proposal at a series of small community meetings, none of which turned out to be small. Here, at a library in a 7,300-person town where constituents call the congressman by first name only, people referred to his budget by either Ryan's term, the "Path to Prosperity," or their own, the "Road to Ruin." Ryan's short speech only amplified the divide.

Pakistan protests halt NATO supplies - Sara

Pakistan has suspended its supply route to NATO troops in Afghanistan because of a protest led by political leader and former Test cricketer Imran Khan. Khan says the US is losing the war in Afghanistan and should stop using missile strikes to target suspected insurgent bases in Pakistan. His political party, the Movement for Justice, is urging thousands of people to join the sit-in against the missile strikes at the north-western city of Peshawar.

Maliki: No plans to extend US presence

Al-Maliki's office said in a statement on Saturday that he is not going to extend The Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the US military and does not seek to prolong the US presence in Iraq. top US military officer Admiral Mike Mullen, in his recent visit to Baghdad, called on the government of Iraq to begin talks if it wanted US forces to remain in the country. In a meeting with the top American general, al-Maliki said the Iraqi army is capable of maintaining thr country's security and that "they worked with professionalism."

War Crimes Charges Anyone?: New Exposé of Big Oil's Role in the Iraq War

Two new books show that the Iraq war was really about oil, and that the two men pushing it--President Bush and Vice President Cheney, should be tried as war criminals.



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