order non hybrid seeds LandRightsNFarming: Law terms by Webster -1850 Dictionary

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Law terms by Webster -1850 Dictionary

Date: Apr 26, 2011 12:19:41 PM
Subject: Law terms by Webster -1850 Dictionary

Noah Webster wrote this in the 'introduction' of his original dictionary (first printed in 1828). I have a copy of one printed in 1850:

"Law terms, which are no part of the proper language of the United States, and never can be, as the things they express do not exist in this country, are, however, retained, as it is necessary that the gentlemen of the bar should understand them ; and it will be time to dismiss them from books when they are obsolete in practice."


The reason he wrote that was that American Law was the Common Law, and it was designed for men to defend themselves, without barristers.....without attorneys.

He never even dreamed of a legal system like we have today....not at all. He missed it.

See attachment also for a copy of the page.