Local Vampire Takes Down Bank
Patrick Rodgers fought the good fight against Wells Fargo
It's not exactly new news, but in case you missed it: Patrick Rodgers' insurance company was asking him to take out a $1 million policy on his West Philadelphia home. When he received no response from Wells Fargo — over the course of more than a year — he was forced to pay $2,400 a year in forced-place home insurance. Rodgers, understandably pissed off, did some research and discovered a loophole, which allowed him to sue Wells Fargo and place a sheriff's levy against Wells Fargo's local mortgage office for the judgment, plus interest.
The Inquirer, 6ABC, the Huffington Post and tons of other news outlets covered the story. But what none of the articles mention is that Patrick Rodgers is, seemingly, a vampire. Video evidence below, courtesy of Fox and Friends. [h/t Blame It On The Voices]