order non hybrid seeds LandRightsNFarming: OpEdNews; Wikileaks uncovers 911 secret, and Touching Images from Egypt's Revolution

Thursday, February 3, 2011

OpEdNews; Wikileaks uncovers 911 secret, and Touching Images from Egypt's Revolution

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Mike Ferner reports from Afghanistan in this moving article:

By mike ferner
This is Not a Place for Life

Veterans for Peace board member, Mike Ferner, reports from Kabul, Afghanistan with an on the ground look at the stories and faces of "Internally Displaced Persons," -displaced by the war being waged in the region by the United States. These are the stories that the corporate media are not inclined to headline.

Sibel Edmonds discovers, through wikileaks, fascinating 911 evidence that was provided to the 911 commission but not included in the final report.

And there are some touching, inspiring images coming out of Egypt.
Photo; Christians Protecting Muslims Praying in Egypt I found this on twitter using the hashtag.
These are both must-view.

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Rob Kall, OpEdNews


Latest Headlines

By mike ferner
This is Not a Place for Life

Veterans for Peace board member, Mike Ferner, reports from Kabul, Afghanistan with an on the ground look at the stories and faces of "Internally Displaced Persons," -displaced by the war being waged in the region by the United States. These are the stories that the corporate media are not inclined to headline.

By Sibel Edmonds
The FBI "Kamikaze Pilots" Case; Omitted From 911 Commission Report

Former FBI whistleblower, Sibel Edmonds,releases transcript of testimony by former FBI Language Specialist, Behrooz Sarshar, regarding 9/11 and "Kamikaze Pilots." Though Sarshar provided info to the 9/11 Commission, the Commission's final report did not mention this documented testimony and they have failed to respond to a request concerning it by the 9/11 Family Steering Committee.

By theWeb
Photo; Christians Protecting Muslims Praying in Egypt

already viewed by over 120,000

By youtube
Was This the Video That Started the Egyptian Revolution?

If you think yourself a man, come with me on January 25.

By Jeb Boone
Yemen's Day of Rage ends in a whimper

Protesters across Yemen's capital city of Sana'a begin filing out as lunchtime approaches, the traditional time to buy qat.

By Michael Collins
Revolutions Know No Color

Indulging oppressive leaders simply because they are convenient for the ownership of brand democracy is wrong. In addition, oppressive leaders are highly inconvenient to those who choose to ally with them. We're finding that out every day in Egypt.

By Mac McKinney
Set/Mubarak: Attack! Attack! My children of the Night

Dictator Hosni Mubarak really is deciding to end his thirty year reign of repression, tyranny and torture with a grim finale evocative not only of a Grade-B horror movie, but of an ancient Egyptian myth. Which myth, you may wonder? Read on.

By Rick Rozoff
Egypt: Will U.S. And NATO Launch Second Suez Intervention?
Egypt: Will U.S. And NATO Launch Second Suez Intervention?

By Marjorie Cohn
U.S. Chickens Come Home to Roost in Egypt
The failure to acknowledge the humiliation and anger felt by most Arabs because of the presence of US troops on Muslim soil...has consequences. We are seeing those consequences in the streets of Egypt and the likelihood of similar developments in Jordan, Yemen, and other Middle Eastern countries. Until the US stops uncritically supporting tyrants, torturers, and oppressors, we can expect the people to rise up; overthrow them.

By Rob Kall
Do You Believe In Evolution or Creationism?

are you an evolutionist or creationist?

By Martha Rosenberg
Pharma's War on Kids

Since 2001, high blood pressure meds for kids have risen 17 percent, respiratory meds 42 percent, diabetes meds 150 percent and heartburn/GERD meds 147 percent. Fifty percent of pediatricians also prescribe kids insomnia drugs according to an article in the journal Pediatrics.

Huffpo: UFO Viewed from Two Locations "If it's a Hoax...it's Very Well Done."

Dueling clips of a purported UFO hovering over Dome of the Rock, an Islamic shrine, on Jerusalem's Temple Mount, have created an online ruckus since surfacing online.

Chomsky: "This is the Most Remarkable Regional Uprising that I Can Remember"
Well, first of all, what's happening is absolutely spectacular. The courage and determination and commitment of the demonstrators is remarkable. And whatever happens, these are moments that won't be forgotten and are sure to have long-term consequences...

WikiLeaks among nominees for Nobel Peace Prize

Anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks has been nominated for the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize, the Norwegian politician behind the proposal said on Wednesday, a day after the deadline for nominations expired.

By Mickey Z.
"Love in the Time of Dinosaurs": An interview with author Kirsten Alene

"I think every time love sneaks into a conversation or a story and changes someone, it's a little triumph for people."

By Kevin Gosztola
Bradley Manning Support Network Continues to Call Attention to Manning's Detention

The Bradley Manning Support Network, which claims to be an ad hoc, international grassroots effort to help Bradley Manning, the private accused of leaking classified information to WikiLeaks, is holding a National White House Call-in Day. To highlight the action today, here is an interview with one of the network's key organizers, Kevin Zeese.

By Curt Day
A Tale Of Two Mass Murders
The different ways in which we react to murder such as the mass murder committed by Jared Loughner and that committed by our military as shown in the video "Collateral Murder" sends mixed messages about the value of human life to both the healthy and unhealthy in our society.

By Joan Brunwasser
Localeaks for Anonymous News Tips to 1500 News Organizations

Anonymous tips have always played an important role in journalism. It's surprising that it took this long to give digital users some viable options. With less and less journalists on newspaper staffs, one major concern has been the ability of the press to effectively continue its vital role of watchdog journalism. I think this will help.

By Kevin Gosztola
Pro-Mubarak Forces and Police Thugs Attack Journalists

Press reporting on the unfolding revolution in Egypt faced some of the worst attacks yet on Wednesday.

By Gustav Wynn
On the Ground in Egypt: Cables from Peace Activists in Cairo

Imagine yourself traveling from the NY area to Gaza with a returning Code Pink peace contingent when you find yourself stuck in Cairo just as the massive national protests shocked the world.

By Tom Engelhardt
Wallace Shawn, Are You Smarter Than Thomas Jefferson?

Wally Shawn makes his first appearance at TomDispatch with an essay that couldn't be quirkier, more provocative, or more appropriate to the site.

By Stephen Lendman
Alan Dershowitz Supporting Tyranny?
Dershowitz notoriously supports the worst of US and Israeli imperialism

By April Moore
A Tale of Two Environments
As an environmentalist, I am surprised--and heartened--to learn that the sites of two horrific twentieth century events are now thriving sanctuaries for wildlife!


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Genocide in US and Canadian Residential Schools
It continues today, mostly in other forms.

Breaking: Eddie Long, Ephren Taylor and The Church Brawl: Black Churches Assaulted by Greed and Power.

New Eddie Long scam alert! And new brawl alert! Are we going to be seeing more of each as scammers continue to bleed America's black churches?

By By David Lindorff
A Marine Remembers: Learning to Kill, Learning Not to Kill

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Today Saw a Violent Turn of Events in Cairo
This afternoon saw a dramatic turn of events in Cairo. Pro Mubarak forces w/batons and rocks clashed w/ anti Mubarak protestors. The pro Mubarak forces were actually police and security personnel. The army is the one institution that remains respected by the Egyptian people. To resolve the crisis the Egyptian generals need to give Mubarak an ultimatum to step down voluntarily or be physically removed.


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EPA reverses Bush-era water safety standards, will regulate contaminants
The EPA reversed Bush administration drinking water policies Wednesday, announcing that it will regulate perchlorate, a component of rocket fuel, and 16 other chemicals - called volatile organic compounds - that can cause cancer at high enough doses. In October 2008, the Bush administration bucked the advice of its own EPA scientists and announced that it would not regulate perchlorate.

Federal Homelessness Program Runs Out Of Money As Need Rises

According to a December report by the U.S. Conference of Mayors, 52 percent of U.S. cities surveyed reported an increase in people experiencing homelessness in 2010, and emergency shelters in 64 percent of those cities said they've had to turn away families with children due to a lack of available beds.

Confession App For iPhone Receives Catholic Church Approval century with Catholic faith

Designed to be used in the confessional The text of this app was developed in collaboration with Rev. Thomas G. Weinandy, OFM, Executive Director of the Secretariat for Doctrine and Pastoral Practices of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops... The app received an imprimatur from Bishop Kevin C. Rhodes of the Diocese of Fort Wayne €" South Bend. It is the first known imprimatur to be given for an iPhone/iPad app. - Custom examination of Conscience based upon age, sex, and vocation (single, married, priest, or religious) - Multiple user support with password protected accounts - Ability to add sins not listed in standard examination of conscience - Confession walkthrough including time of last confession in days, weeks, months, and years - Choose from 7 different acts of contrition

Belief Culture: "We Don't Need No Education," P. L. Thomas

Our faith in the possibilities offered by universal public education may be misplaced since evidence shows that humans tend to ignore evidence, choosing to live by their beliefs instead. This piece considers the consequences of the U.S. being a belief culture distinct from many other Western countries.

Climate Change a Hoax
Pictures to prove it!

Museveni Regime Denies Kato's Murder was Homophobic

How can Ugandan Deputy Police Spokesperson Vincent Sekate, before doing an investigation, be so very sure that David Kato's murder had nothing to do with his being openly gay, or with his work as advocacy officer for Sexual Minorities Uganda? And why does the US keep throwing money and weaponry behind the regime that Sekate speaks for, that of Yoweri Museveni, the President of Uganda for the past 25 years? Why did my California Senators, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein, co-sponsor a bill to further arm and empower the Museveni regime?

Pentagon Paid Billions to Fraudsters
Any damn fool knows this by now, yet you have clowns even on this website still screaming about medicare and social security--a mere drop in the bucket, which actually happens to help people, as you might expect of a civilized society.

Heist -- About the Film

Heist tells the story of how corporations and their political allies in Congress, orchestrated the greatest theft in history -- the robbery of Americans' prosperity, savings, and retirement security. Heist exposes how free-market extremists steadily dismantled the regulatory protections that the New Deal had built to prevent a repeat of the 1929 Wall Street crash.

Rumsfeld remains largely unapologetic in memoir

"There were far too many hands on the steering wheel, which, in my view, was a formula for running the truck into a ditch," Rumsfeld writes in the book. Providing pointed critiques of other former colleagues, Rumsfeld portrays Powell as reigning over a State Department reluctant to accept Bush's political direction and intent on taking anonymous swipes at the Pentagon in the media. He chides Rice, in her initial role as national security adviser, for often papering over differences rather than presenting Bush with clear choices in cases when the Pentagon and State Department disagreed.

Senate defeats Republican-led health-care repeal effort

The Senate on Wednesday defeated a Republican-led effort to repeal the entire national health-care overhaul, with lawmakers voting strictly along party lines. The decision underscores the hurdle that the GOP faces in that Democratic-majority chamber as it tries to overturn the law.

Nicholas D. Kristof: The View From Tahrir

Today President Mubarak seems to have decided to crack down on the democracy movement, using not police or army troops but rather mobs of hoodlums and thugs. I've been spending hours on Tahrir today, and it is absurd to think of this as simply "clashes" between two rival groups. The pro-democracy protesters are unarmed and have been peaceful at every step. But the pro-Mubarak thugs are arriving in buses and are armed -- and they're using their weapons.

WikiLeaks among nominees for Nobel Peace Prize

Norwegian parliamentarian Snorre Valen said WikiLeaks was "one of the most important contributors to freedom of speech and transparency" in the 21st century. "By disclosing information about corruption, human rights abuses and war crimes, WikiLeaks is a natural contender for the Nobel Peace Prize," Valen said.

McCain and Gingrich Lash Out At El Baradei, Accuse Him Of Secretly Being In Cahoots With Radical Islamists

On Sean Hannity's show last night, Sen. John McCain (AZ) ludicrously told the Fox host that "El Baradei is not a friend of the United States." The senator then went on to suggest that El Baradei may be a "figurehead" for the Muslim Brotherhood because he has "no real following in Egypt." McCain seems to think that opposing the war in Iraq and a future war in Iran makes someone as unfriendly to the United States -- a definition of anti-Americanism that most Americans would fall under.

Chernobyl: Photos 25 Years After
If a picture speaks a thousand words, here are 12,000 that you can check out in 30 seconds.

US slaps sanctions on Iranian firms

On Tuesday, the US Treasury Department slapped sanctions against six individuals and five companies located in Iran and Turkey for allegedly providing materials and support for Iran's ballistic missile development projects.

Mark Morford: All your problems, instantly solved

Perhaps it's runaway obesity that's causing all the gloom? It's a peculiar conundrum indeed: Despite all the awareness-raising over the past 20 years regarding, say, organic foods, fat content, high-fructose corn syrup and so on, Americans are still getting fatter, childhood obesity is off the charts, and Type 2 diabetes is hitting epidemic levels. How can this be? How are we so blind and dumb? I blame the media. Oh, and the schools. And Glenn Beck. You infantile bastard.

Punxsutawney Phil predicts an early spring

The country's most famous groundhog predicted an early spring Wednesday but wasn't willing to go out on a limb to forecast whether his state's Pittsburgh Steelers will win the Super Bowl. Punxsutawney Phil emerged just after dawn on Groundhog Day to make his 125th annual weather forecast in front of a smaller-than-usual crowd in rural Pennsylvania who braved muddy, icy conditions to hear his handlers reveal that he had not seen his shadow.

What if the US shut down the Internet like Egypt did?
While the economy probably could reverse the damage from being offline a few days, every day without the Internet would be a step closer to calamity for manufacturing, finance and other sectors of the economy.

The Kochs fight back

Faced with an avalanche of bad publicity after years of funding conservative causes in relative anonymity, the billionaire Koch brothers are fighting back. They've hired a team of PR pros with experience working for top Republicans including Sarah Palin and Arnold Schwarzenegger to quietly engage reporters to try to shape their Koch coverage. Young environmental activists who pranked them have been hit with a lawsuit seeking more than $100,000 in damages

Mental health specialist recommended WikiLeaks suspect not be deployed to Iraq

A mental health specialist recommended that the Army private Bradley Manning, accused of leaking classified material to the anti-secrecy Web site WikiLeaks, not be deployed to Iraq, but his immediate commanders sent him anyway, according to a military official familiar with a new Army investigation.

Anderson Cooper Attacked, Punched In The Head By Pro-Mubarak Mob In Egypt

Anderson Cooper and his crew were attacked by supporters of Hosni Mubarak in Cairo on Wednesday. CNN's Steve Brusk tweeted that Cooper was punched in the head ten times. See Video.

Rights NGO claims that Israeli planes carrying crowd dispersal weapons have arrived in Egypt

If corroborated, that the Right-wing regime in Israel would be sending WMRs, Weapons of Mass Repression, to Mubarak, is perfectly in line with their past support of racist and Fascist regimes throughout the world such as Apartheid South Africa, Death Squad governments in El Salvador and Honduras, and on and on. The Israeli gov't, to be blunt, is constantly on the Dark Side against Humanity's struggles for freedom and justice.

Israel urges West: Make sure new Egypt regime honors peace deal

Netanyahu would like the international community to make it clear to any new Egyptian leadership that will emerge that it must meet a series of conditions in return for receiving legitimacy in the eyes of the West - similar to those posed to Hamas following the Islamist movement's victory in Palestinian elections.



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