order non hybrid seeds LandRightsNFarming: Letter to Comptroller and Chancellor of the Exchequer

Monday, February 28, 2011

Letter to Comptroller and Chancellor of the Exchequer


This attached Letter to Comptroller and Chancellor of the Exchequer was signed and delivered by registered mail to the UK and certified mail to  Washington DC headquarters of he Comptroller of The Currency on February 16, 2011.

Rodney Dale's  similar letter was sent to DC headquarters of The Office of the Comptroller of The Currency  one week prior to my mailing.

Though  Rodney Dale  nor myself have heard back from The Comptroller(s), with the recent current events spinning at such a rapid rate I felt it prudent to publish this document on the web for all to see.

It has also come to my attention this morning than Bernie Madoff was recently interviewed making the statement that "the entire government is a ponzi scheme."

Most everyone knows by now that is what Madoff was charged  with and  therefor imprisoned.

Many AIB listener's will recall that I made that very statement, (that the government is a ponzi scheme), well over two months ago, now, coming from the mouth of the master of ponzi schemers, it is confirmed, not that it was even questioned.

Immediately upon receiving correspondence from both offices of the Office of The Comptroller, I will publish the responses  on the Web, either to acknowledge confirmation of remedy requested or to show additional corruption, the ball is in their hands, let's just wait and see how this plays out.

Again this letter is published due to the rapid  and seriousness  chain of events occurring daily, showing a  snowballing avalanche of widespread corruption among and between the courts, including all the judges and court clerks, acting in concert with all attorneys, and  co-conspiring with banks, this means the American Bar Association and the American Bankers Association and agents thereof, including international, but not limited to.

Submitted this 28th day of February, 2011.

The attached letter may be reproduced with consent from herein as co- author but any individual or individuals so doing accept responsibility for their own actions thereof.

The enclosed letter is provided for educational purposes only, not for sale or profit.

All God given inherent rights reserved in perpetuity.

;Jeanette Audrey; [Triplett]