The attachments show the connection of Federal Prison Inc, CORRECTION CORPORATION OF AMERICA and numerous others.
These Corporations are acting in concert using Americans as forced slave labor with worse intentions in the near future.
This corruption begins with the courts using officers to make arrests, sort of a snare to lure the unwilling victim into the net of corruption.
Then, judges acting with attorneys pretend to have a court hearing when actually it is anything but, as fair trial does not apply.
Thus begins the securities fraud designed specifically as a profiteering industry using Americans, who are not members of any of these good old boys clubs, luring them all in one by one, assigning CUSIP NUMBERS, PUBLIC DEBT NUMBERS, transferring through the Federal reserve Bank, The US Treasury and IRS, but leaving the wrung out victim responsible to pay the IRS as each of these corrupt public officials snort wee wee wee all the way to the bank and all the way home.
It's time the big bad wolf, us angry Americans who have discovered their treasonous fraud, huff and puff and blow their house of cards down with them in it.
It's time for America to act as a country, united we stand and put the "Woe be to you Lawyers" upon them.
If the reader has never incurred the fraudulent activities of alleged courts, be advised it won't be long before that day comes.
The intent of the listed Corporations, using the guise of law, is to get everyone into the system for perpetual profit, plunder and pilfering.
"Woe be to you Lawyers." Luke 11;46-52
All God given inherent rights reserved in perpetuity.
Not the God the Judicial criminals worship either, for their god is;
The Vicar Of Jesus Christ as defined in Websters Dictionary ;
n. the pope. Also called Vic'ar of Je'sus Christ”. Vice1 (vis), n. 1. an immoral or evil habit or practice. 2. immoral conduct; depraved behavior. 3. sexual immorality, esp. prostitution. 4. a personal shortcoming;foible. 5. a fault, defect, or flaw. 6. a physical defect or infirmity. 7. a bad habit, as in a horse. [1250-1300; ME < AF, OF < L vitium a fault, defect; vice] –Syn. See FAULT.
;Jeanette Audrey ;Triplett]