order non hybrid seeds LandRightsNFarming: PROOF of Judges slush funds Jack and Jill November 15 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

PROOF of Judges slush funds Jack and Jill November 15 2010

November 15, 2010


In response to "Jack" and "Jill" below.

First, proctologist comparison is classic, since the below email clearly comes from one suffering from cranial sphincter fusion.

Secondly, the uniformed ignoramus that wrote the below email   is either 1) a government employee investing through C.R.I.S;  2.) a Banker; 3.) a Banker's attorney; 4). a Judge; 5.) a Lobbyist; 6.) All the above.

Thirdly, Judges are voted  or appointed into office under Constitutional guidelines and cannot have a vested interest, see judicial canons and Jefferson manual, obviously the author below  has a vested interest and/or works for The Federal Reserve or agents thereof.

Fourthly "Not available for the  public" proves private investors, wherein no Initial Public Offering (IPO) exists, again providing evidence as closed union shops in violation of the Taft Hartley Act.

 Fifthly,  Laughing at such fraud will prove untimely, as he who laughs last laughs best.

"Jill", who the below author openly admits "does project finance, including for municipalities", obviously  moonlights  as a fiddle, as she is being  played as such  in a finely tuned orchestra.

Seventh, " Jill" is now an accessory after the fact, as she is either oblivious
of or jaded to  the term "Debtor in possession," that, defined is   the people now  living in the dwellings  municipal bonds were sold to develop are the "Debtor's" in "Possession".

Please refer to "The Debt For Equity Plan of 2007." See attached;  "Aug%2005%20Jarvis"

 Is it "Jill" that claims responsibility for the missing, misdirected, embezzled 40% of those profits not making their way back to all of the  the municipalities pursuant to the Highway Safety Act?

The author below must be looking for the outhouse  as  he is full of ignorance.

.Do "Jack" and "Jill" have any clue about Judges and attorney's assigning Public Debt Forms 1522 onto court cases to obtain a CUSIP © Number, a copyrighted registered trademark of the American Banker's Association,  proving collusion , to invest into The Court Registry Investment System (C.R.I.S.), through the Department of Public Debt,  Department of Treasury  then transferred to the Dallas Texas Federal Reserve, for The Crown of England, after  The Fed takes 28.25% off the top for each securities investment before turned over to the Vatican,  for whom the Pope  is the kingpin of this money laundering outfit?

Read the following Webster's Dictionary of Vicar, who the Pope'[s] profess to be.


n. the pope. Also called Vic'ar of Je'sus Christ". Vice1 (vis), n. 1. an immoral or evil habit or practice. 2. immoral conduct; depraved behavior. 3. sexual immorality, esp. prostitution. 4. a personal shortcoming;foible. 5. a fault, defect, or flaw. 6. a physical defect or infirmity. 7. a bad habit, as in a horse. [1250-1300; ME < AF, OF < L vitium a fault, defect; vice] –Syn. See FAULT.

I certainly hope this ground ball didn't go over the heads of "Jack and "Jill"   while rolling down the hill with the pail of embezzled court funds extorted form American's then fraudulently conveyed into the private sector including Federal Prison Industry Inc (FPI) dba Unicor,  Prison Realty Trust PZN, Correction Corporation of America CCA, Halliburton, which partially  ends up in the outstretched hands of  FEMA, then the dirty hands of Blackwater, (probably got that way from washing so much dirty  money),  most of the the rest gets laundered back into grant money which is then given back to those Federal, state and county offices, known as FEDERAL STATE COUNTY MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES (FCSME and AFCSME) that missed out on the first load of laundry.

"Jack" better think again about the Royal "Crown"  he got on  the way down that hill of beans that "Jill" handed him.

Sounds a lot like the sequel to another famous couple who didn't fair well either, because that one bad apple DID  spoil the whole bunch.

All God given inherent rights reserved in perpetuity.
;Jeanette Audrey; [Triplett]

On 11/15/2010 8:23 AM, pcastora wrote:
Will you respond to this? Thanks!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2010 12:01 AM
Subject: Fwd: PROOF of Judges slush funds

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Arthur Ginsberg" <aginsberg@comcast.net>
Date: November 14, 2010 11:03:02 PM EST
To: "'David Johnson'" <dwjoae@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: PROOF of Judges slush funds


YOU DON"T HAVE PROOF OF JUDGES SLUSH FUNDS! You have proof that the people who made the video don't understand anything about Project Finance, Non-Profit Corporations, selling bonds (for building projects) to Qualified Institutional Investors – they can't be sold to the general public.

I ran this by Jill, who does project finance, including for municipalities. She  laughed out loud while watching the video and then cringed with horror that this garbage is being broadcast as if the people involved are experts. It's like going to a proctologist to get an opinion on an heart ailment. These people are dangerous. They don't have any legal consultants and from what you have said, they don't want any, so you get ill-conceived conspiracy theories on perfectly legal project financing deals. Run, don't walk.
